Stay Adaptable - The Flexibility Required in Freelancing

Adaptability is one of the most valuable soft skills that can help you succeed as a freelance writer. It’s the ability to change your mindset and approach in response to challenges and obstacles, rather than reacting to them with frustration or anger. Adaptable people are also open to new ideas and approaches, which helps them thrive in environments that require change.

When a project goes sideways or your client needs to make a sudden shift in scope, an adaptable freelancer is able to quickly find new solutions that keep everyone happy. This flexibility enables you to deliver quality work on time and within budget, which is critical for any business.

Flexibility is also a critical trait for freelance writers who often face financial uncertainty. There will be times when your income is higher than usual, and other times when you are struggling to meet your expenses. An adaptable writer can easily manage their finances by creating a budget and following it closely. They can adjust their spending when there are lean months and put money aside for unexpected expenses or taxes.

You may need to be flexible in how you manage your clients as well. Some of your clients will be easy to work with, while others might be challenging or difficult to communicate with. If you are unable to work with a challenging client, you will need to be able to adapt your style and approach in order to maintain the relationship and complete the work.

A willingness to embrace change and be flexible is especially important for freelance writers who have dependents at home. In our recent Upwork survey, more than half of the respondents said they chose freelancing for the flexibility it offers to care for family members with special needs or health issues. Other reasons included wanting to work around school schedules, childcare responsibilities and travel plans.

Being flexible and embracing change can improve your overall life, not just your career. The flexibility you have as a freelancer can allow you to explore more opportunities outside your normal comfort zone and take risks that can lead to great things. You can be more open to new experiences and learn from them, which in turn can increase your self-esteem.

Lastly, being adaptable can improve your problem-solving skills and help you develop resilience. When something doesn’t go as planned, an adaptable person can quickly reset their mindset and focus on finding the positives in the situation. This can help you become a more resilient and optimistic individual, which will ultimately make you a better writer.

If you are unsure how to be more adaptable, start by focusing on learning and becoming a lifelong student. This can include taking classes, attending workshops and making it a priority to read books or online publications on a regular basis. It’s also important to be flexible and willing to try different writing projects in order to expand your skill set. Practicing adaptability can also help you feel less anxious about change and become more accustomed to it as a natural part of life.


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Edgard Manuel, a seasoned digital marketer based in Orlando, Florida, is passionate about helping businesses succeed in the ever-evolving online space. 

With years of experience in marketing development and a certification in funnel building, Edgard specializes in digital display ads and content marketing strategies that drive measurable growth. 

His military family background, coupled with formal education in business and aeronautics, shapes his disciplined, results-driven approach. Outside of his professional life, Edgard is a devoted family man who values spirituality, sports, and the pursuit of freedom and entrepreneurship.

Edgard Manuel

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